The financial loss to the family due to the unfortunate death of the sole earner can be covered by term insurance plans. These plans will help your family maintain their standard of living in case you are not around in the future so that they can cover the costs of running the household through the term insurance lumpsum pay out. The insurance money will give your family some much-needed breathing space along with coverage for all expenditure in case of death/accident/medical emergency of the policyholder. Medical Insurance plans will help you pay for medical emergencies, hospitalisation, contraction of any illnesses and treatment, and medical care required in the future. General Insurance helps protect your home in the event of any unforeseen calamity or damage. Your home insurance plan will help you get coverage for damages to your home and pay for the cost of repairs or rebuilding, whichever is needed. If you have coverage for valuables and items inside the house, then you can purchase replacement items with the insurance money