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I am unwilling to take risks and get very uneasy when things don’t go as planned, financially. My long-term goal is to get a slightly higher return compared with a fixed deposit, net of tax.


#1. Question 1: How much time is left for you to retire?


To calculate your risk quotient, give yourself Points on the following basis:

A= 1 Point B=2 Point C=3 point D =4 Point E=5 Point Total Points



You are not in a position to take high risks with your investments because of your precarious finances. Your primary focus should be capital protection even if you have to sacrifice returns. Your portfolio should comprise predominantly debt, with a tinge of Shares/Equity Mutual Funds to beat inflation. Stick to safer options, such as Bank Fixed Deposits and Post Office Schemes, Debt Funds, Fixed Maturity Plans.



Your priority is to preserve capital over the medium to long term, but you can take a slight risk to be able to earn better return than the conservative portfolio. Invest 20-25% of the corpus in Shares/Equity Mutual Funds and the rest in the safety of debt. This will ensure you don’t take unnecessary chances with your money.



You are a moderate investor and can take a reasonable level of risk in exchange for better returns from your investments. This will ensure good capital growth in the long term. Given your tenure and stable financial position, an allocation of 50-60% to debt and 40-50 % to Shares/Equity Mutual Funds would be suitable.



You are able to digest an above average level of risk. This can prove rewarding because the higher allocation up to 60% in Shares/Equity Mutual Funds has the potential to give very good returns in the long term. Your stable financial position will help you take the ups and downs in the equity market in your stride.



You are in a good position to take high risk with you are investments. High risk, however, does not mean reckless investing. You can allocate up to 80-90% of your money in Shares/Equity Mutual Funds. While this can also lead to notional losses in the short to medium term, the long term picture will be bountiful.

I’m sorry but you did not achieve the required score.
