Market regulator SEBI has mandated all foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) to disclose their Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) code. This code is a unique global 20-character code to identify legally distinct entities that engage in financial transactions. LEI is conceived as a key measure to improve the quality and accuracy of financial data systems for better risk management post the Global Financial Crisis.
“Presently, FPIs are required to provide their LEI details in the Common Application Form (“CAF”), used for registration, KYC and account opening of FPIs on a voluntary basis. It has now been decided to mandate the requirement of providing LEI details for all non-individual FPIs. Depositories shall carry out the necessary modifications to the CAF in their Portals,” SEBI said in a circular.
“All existing FPIs (including those applying for renewal) that have not already provided their LEIs to their DDPs shall do so within 180 days from the date of issuance of this circular, failing which their account shall be blocked for further purchases until LEI is provided to their DDPs. 4. All fresh registration, subsequent to issuance of this circular, shall be carried out upon receipt of the FPIs’ respective LEI details,” SEBI added.
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